Monday, October 14, 2013

Gravity (11 Oct 2013)

Cast: Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris

Director: Alfonso Cuaron

This movie is a first of its kind. It gives you the experience of being in space. Not travelling in space in a spaceship or being on an alien planet. But the on-the-face experience of being in space (in close proximity of the earth)! And this experience is beautiful as well as unnerving. It is beautiful to watch different snapshots of earth at different time periods. But it is also very unnerving to realize that you actually don’t ‘belong’ in space! We are so accustomed to the earth’s ‘force of gravity’ that we hardly notice its presence or give it any importance. In fact, we try tooth and nail to overpower it with more efficiency, so as to venture in space with more ease. But this very ‘force’ gives us the sense of ‘belonging’.

The movie ‘Gravity’ gives you the opportunity to experience the following novelties –
      Picturesque views of earth from space.
-       Exterior repairing of space stations.
-       Interior functioning of different pods.
-       Methodology of stranded astronauts.
-       Method of positioning oneself in a directionless area i.e. space.
-       Mega destruction without an iota of sound because sound cannot travel in vacuum!

The entire movie revolves around Sandra Bullock and George Clooney and in most part of the movie they are clad in hooded spacesuits. Their realistic facial expressions and excellent voice modulations keep you glued to the screen. Not for a single moment, you happen to miss the sheer body language associated with a normal movie. Direction and special effects are awesome as well. It needs great r&d and immense focus to create such a movie. In fact, you can also call it a very interesting and educational documentary. It will not be surprising, if this movie will inspire many of its young viewers to become rocket scientist or astronauts in the future!

This movie is best watched in 3D. Actually these are the movies that live up to the full potential of 3D viewing.

Last but not the least, you need to see it to believe it.